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Four examples of Mother's Day email marketing campaigns

Category: Email Marketing

Imagen Four examples of Mo

It's just around the corner and it's one of those days when email marketing shows its value: Mother's Day is an opportunity to make sales, taking advantage of the fact that subscribers tend to buy.

Our suggestion for this day is not to send the same old stuff: send a different campaign, do not propose products that you have already promoted before, and look for an approach that makes you stand out (and not just by using emojis in the subject line). Your competition will also be looking to sell, you have to make a difference. We propose four types of campaigns for you to prepare your own.


1. General reminder

If you are not sure how to take advantage of Mother's Day in your email marketing, this is your best option. Prepare a general message, a reminder that this celebration is approaching, appealing to their emotional side. Add a call to action that will take them to your catalogue or give them the option to locate their closest shop.


Source: Really Good Emails


Precisely because these days appeal to people's hearts, you can also choose to send a respectful email asking if they would prefer not to receive news of this kind.


Source: Really Good Emails


2. Gift ideas

Go through your portfolio of products or services and select those that can be given as gifts and that might be interesting for women of different ages. Try to cover different aspects and thus arouse the interest of more customers. The text is the most important factor: add subheadings that highlight why each block is a good gift for each "type of mother".


Source: Really Good Emails


Also, personalise according to the information you have about each subscriber to try to find the product that might suit them best. Help them look good by offering them something special!


3. Special offers

If your business is already used to sending offers, find a reason to make each one special. Make a short emotional introduction to convince them to keep reading and fill the campaign with images of the products that have a good discount (show it visually to attract attention).


Source: Really Good Emails


As with any other promotional campaign, don't forget to include the deadline or expiry date of the offer to reassure the customer that the gift will arrive on time.


4. Last call

Prepare a campaign to finish convincing those who did not open any of the previous proposals. Don't do a re-send, make a new campaign! Start with a functional message ("Don't miss Mother's Day!"), but add an emotional nudge to make them decide to complete a purchase ("She wouldn't forget your special day").


Source: Really Good Emails


This type of campaign is a mix of all of the above because you can also add as a last-minute gift idea those products that you want to take out of stock and apply a bigger discount to. Also, even if the delivery times don't allow for online shopping, perhaps a gift voucher or digital card is possible.


International campaigns

One last note if you have international customers: you can easily translate your message, but remember that Mother's Day is not celebrated on the same day in all countries. In Spain it is the first Sunday in May, but in Italy it is the second Sunday in May and in France it is the last Sunday in May. Prepare geographically targeted campaigns to take advantage of the occasion and encourage shopping on this special day.

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