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Email Marketing serving SMEs

Category: Email Marketing

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Still not running any email marketing program in your SME? What is the first thing you do after you turn on your computer when getting to the office?

If it is not "checking mails", you are the exception that proves the rule :)

If you still do not use the Email Marketing in your business communications, this article is for you, it devotes a few lines to some of the reasons why you should start considering it seriously.

To start and summarize long, Email marketing is a cheap, effective, measurable and easily customizable channel, on top of being adapted to incorporate a high degree of automation.

But let's review these points, one by one.

It is the most economical way to promote your products and services. The low cost of email marketing sendings allows both large and small companies to benefit from this channel.

Email is a powerful tool when it comes to build loyalty and establish long-term relationships with your customers. Data from Radicatti Group indicates that despite the popularity of social media, the quantity of email accounts worldwide is three times higher than the quantity of Twitter and Facebook accounts together.

Now, let’s focus on the efficiency, also referred to as reach or engagement in online marketing. While organic reach of Facebook posts is about 6%, the open rates of email marketing campaigns move in the range of 20% to 30%, according to SocialOgilvy.

Imagen Email Marketing para p

Email marketing is the perfect partner for your ecommerce. It is the tool that provides the best ROI. According to Email Expert, every $1 spent has an average return of $44.25.

With this in mind, it is important to understand that when we talk about Email marketing, we talk about content; and when talking about content, we refer to relevancy and personalization/segmentation. If your communications have a relevant content-and take into account the interests of your subscribers, you will get your customers to engage with your brand or your product; and if you have information about your subscribers like their interests, hobbies, or demographics-data, you can create and customize contents in a way that totally fit their profiles.

On the other hand, tools like Acrelia News allows you to not only automate many of the tasks associated with the design and execution of your campaigns, but also to have sufficient analytical skills to draw conclusions about their performance, set the necessary corrective measures and optimize your campaigns more easily.

Obviously every company (and every campaign) is a world; and if you have not yet decided ... let’s talk! / hablamos! / parlem! / parlons-en ! ... For sure, you will change your mind :D

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