Blog Email Marketing and SMS

Typography in Email Marketing

Category: Email Marketing

Imagen Typography in Email Marke

The limitations when using special text fonts in emails, are much greater than in the case of the websites.

Using non-standard fonts although they are webfonts, is not a recommended practice, although we indicate alternative fonts. The email's design will not be consistent, that is, not all users will see our email alike as compatible fonts in each user's system may be different. On the other hand, supported font sizes can also be different which may cause the displacement of our newsletter's text boxes.

Keep in mind also that many email clients do not support webfonts in emails. For example, Outlook 2000+ versions do not support the rule @ font-face and Gmail does not support the use of this rule nor @import.

For all these reasons, although applying our brand image in our email campaigns is important, we must be able to find a balance between functionality and branding.

Some tips when choosing the font and font size for your emails:

  • If you are using web fonts make sure your newsletter looks good with the alternative font, its size is adequate and does not decompensate your design.
  • Use images for those texts where it is vital to use your corporate font, for example, titles or sections.
  • Choose a font compatible with most systems as a source for the body text
  • Avoid very condensed fonts that do not have a uniform spacing, they often lose readability.
  • Arial and Verdana fonts in its regular version are the easiest to read.
  • The standard fonts available on any device are Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Comic Sans, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana.
  • Not justified texts are easier to follow since the lines length is different. A good practice is to align the text to the left and not write more than 70 characters per line to improve readability.

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