Category: Email Marketing Trends
Influencing someone to do something is another way of saying that we want to persuade them. That's the goal of copywriting: to get them to buy, register, or take any desired action. One of its tools to achieve this is psychology, and Robert Cialdini's six principles of influence are very useful. Specifically, reciprocity involves giving back the value that has been given to us.
An example that is constantly used in marketing is offering a discount in exchange for an email. The company gives the user what they want, and in return, the user accepts by giving them something that the company desires. Everyone gets something of value: a product at a better price and consent to receive commercial information.
The same example works in the case of lead magnets or any other offer you want to use in marketing actions: depending on the value the user perceives, they will be more willing to share their personal information. In other words, the reciprocity principle suggests that the more you give, the more you receive. The key is not to force anyone; on the contrary, it's a slightly more altruistic exercise.
In fact, an advantage it has is that it is activated when the consideration is explicitly requested (as would happen in a form where certain data is requested to download a gift), but also if it is not done as directly (such as sending a newsletter and including your latest products in the footer). Even if there is no call to action, providing value can help us achieve our goal.
Some ideas for your upcoming campaigns:
Fuente: Really Good Emails
Fuente: Really Good Emails
Fuente: Really Good Emails
Fuente: Really Good Emails
Fuente: Really Good Emails
Fuente: Really Good Emails
The sense of reciprocity works best when personalized emails are sent because it ensures that they are being offered value in what they want, rather than something general that may not interest them as much. In this regard, you can use it as a reinforcement technique, for example, when sending content to good customers who haven't made a purchase for a while.
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