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Tools to create a newsletter

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Imagen Tools to create a newsle

Company's resources influence when using a program or tool in the tasks prior to sending your newsletter. If you prefer to have everything managed by someone on the team instead of outsourcing the email marketing, we discuss some options to create your newsletter taking into account its different elements.

The most common is that the same person or agency that has designed the website can make you a template for the newsletter. That way it will keep the same style as your web. But, making templates for your email marketing is not the same as designing a website. You also need to have knowledge of graphic design and CSS, know the particularities and limitations of each mail client to ensure that they will look right. 

When designing your newsletter, the first thing you have to do, is to be clear what structure you want it to have. It will be very useful to create a wireframe of how the contents will be distributed, for example with a header image, two columns, sidebar ...

When creating banners, buttons and other graphic resources, there are many graphic design tools but most are focused on experts who have to work on more complex issues than just a newsletter, such as making a book with InDesign or creating a cover In Illustrator. However, Canva is a very simple resource that offers very professional results to create, for example, a header for your sendings.

A program like PhotoShop, a more simple like Gimp or even an online like PicMonkey are useful to make photo retouchings to the images. It can be to include a phrase as an appointment, a shopping cart icon or a frame to give the same style to all of them, in addition to trim and reduce the size to speed up its download.

As for text, any program like Word is enough. What matters in this case is to have the spell check enabled so that no misses are missed. When you move the text to the template, we will just have to copy and paste to keep the format and links and remove junk code that can distort the design.

When converting the result of the newsletter skeleton (a jpg or png file) and once it is full with the content of each sending, it is not enough to embed the image that you designed because those who have blocked the images would not see anything : You have to convert it to HTML and CSS code. The best-known editor for this is surely Dreamweaver that works similarly to a text editor. Instead, a NotePad ++ code editor is more focused on those who know how to write it without seeing how it would look on a web page.

Whichever editor you use to layout your newsletter make sure that the result is responsive, and that the content is viewed correctly on any reader, device or browser. Tools like Litmus, can be very useful to do these tests.

The easiest and quickest way to create your newsletter, however, is to use an email platform like Acrelia News, which has a large gallery of templates and an advanced newsletters editor that generates responsive email designs.

Like this, without having technical knowledge, you will be able to create in just a few minutes professional newsletters with the peace of mind of knowing that they will be seen correctly in your subscriber's email client, whichever one he use. You will gain a lot of time and you will only have to worry about your email marketing strategy.

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