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Which email marketing campaign are you going to send for the World Book Day?

Category: Email Marketing

Imagen Which email marketing campaign are you going to send for the World Book

There is a date to take into account in your email marketing planning because it is celebrated everywhere: World Book Day. If you work in the publishing sector, you know well the volume of sales it represents; if not, April 23rd is also a good time to be close to your potential customers.


Types of World Book Day campaigns for any sector

There are several possible mailings, depending on the involvement you want to have with this international day. We insist: don't think that it is exclusive to publishers, bookshops or authors, although they may be the ones who attract the most attention. Here are some campaigns that you can send out (from more to less effort) that might be useful for celebrating World Book Day in your sector:

  • Create your own ebook: take the opportunity to create a special guide or recover one you have made and send it as a gift to your subscribers in PDF format. Having your own book will help you all year long if you use it as a lead magnet.
  • Compilation of books: they can be new publications from last year, a selection of local authors or a summary of classics in your sector that never go out of fashion, they can even be novels recommended by your team to bring your company closer to your clients.
  • Literary raffle: ask your subscribers which are their favourite books (in your sector or not) and hold a raffle among the participants to reward them, for example with a batch of books or your products. You can send out a special campaign or use a section of your regular newsletter.
  • Greeting: the tradition of handing out books and roses can also be done virtually with a template that includes some. This is the easiest option, but it can make an impact if you include a personalised image in the celebration message.



Depending on the type of campaign you want to do, you will need more or less preparation. As always, we recommend that you plan ahead so that you can send the World Book Day mailing that is most cost-effective for you, both to attract new subscribers (an ebook) and to keep your existing subscribers (a greeting).

With your goal in mind, keep a few dates in mind:

  • Between 10 days and a week prior to the event, you can send a teaser with a countdown to let people know what you are preparing. The idea is to generate expectations so you can share the cover of the ebook you are going to give them or let them know that there will be special prizes that day.
  • A couple of days before the World Book Day you may start to notice the pre-festive environment In the publishing sector, World Book Day is when most mailings are sent out, try to do something different by starting a little earlier (maybe between the 19th or 20th of April).
  • On April 23rd you can send a last-minute campaign for those who haven't opened any of the previous emails or for those who haven't clicked.

When you are preparing your mailings, don't forget to add a different touch to your subject line and template, for example with some book or roses emojis. Don't overdo it, but make it clear that it is a special day and that bookshops do not have the exclusive right to celebrate World Book Day.

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